Polished agate burnisher
For gilding with real leaf gold, the agate tip burnisher is the perfect tool. To obtain a desired golden shine, it is essential to polish the golden surface with an agate burnisher, this also guarantees the good adhesion of the gold leaf on your surface.
For gilding with real leaf gold, the agate tip burnisher is the perfect tool. To obtain a desired golden shine, it is essential to polish the golden surface with an agate burnisher, this also guarantees the good adhesion of the gold leaf on your subject.
Agate is a natural stone of superior hardness. The agate burnisher pushes the gold particles into the elastic support of the base to be polished and thus gives the surface the shine of solid gold.
Special burnisher for recesses. Varied use. The straight back of the burnisher is particularly suitable for flat surfaces.
DIfferentes sizes of agata burnishers availables.